Can Invisalign Fix TMJ Problem?


Do you find that you have difficulty chewing food or opening and closing your mouth, or that you sometimes get discomfort or tenderness in your jaw or around your ear? You may suffer from a TMJ issue (TMD) if this is the case.

Misaligned teeth are one of the potential causes of temporomandibular disorder (TMD), which several different circumstances can cause. Therefore, it prompts the question: can problems with the TMJ be treated with Invisalign? If you have ever suffered from discomfort in your TMJ, you are aware of how temporarily incapacitating this condition can be. Everyday activities like yawning and eating can become a chore, and as a result, you may suffer not only physically but also psychologically as a result.

Before you even begin the process of determining whether or not you could benefit from Invisalign treatment, your dentist should do a TMJ examination on you. If they discover that you have problems with your TMJ, then we will recommend that you work together to manage those concerns before beginning the process of straightening your teeth.

What is TMJ? 

The temporomandibular joint is a sliding hinge that connects the jawbone to the skull. An injury to the temporomandibular joint can lead to a condition known as a temporomandibular joint syndrome (TMJ syndrome), a dysfunction of the muscles and nerves in the jaw.

It might be difficult to pinpoint the precise reason why an individual suffers from TMJ disease; nevertheless, it is possible that the condition was brought on by a confluence of issues, such as an injury to the jaw and arthritis. It may also be caused by bad habits, genetics, or bite-related problems.

In most cases, temporomandibular joint disorders (TMJ Disorders) are brought on by arthritis, a jaw injury, or jaw misalignment. When you frequently clench or grind your teeth, this can sometimes make problems with your temporomandibular joint (TMJ) worse.

In the vast majority of cases, the discomfort and pain associated with TMJ syndrome can be alleviated with nonsurgical treatments such as muscle relaxants, pain killers, sedatives, and tricyclic antidepressants. These medicines can be found in most pharmacies. In addition to physical therapy and bite protection, patient education can greatly assist. In the most extreme situations, surgical intervention may be necessary to treat the symptoms of the TMJ condition.

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TMJ Disorders Symptoms

TMJ issues can manifest themselves in a variety of ways, and their severity can also vary from person to person. If you are having any of these symptoms in addition to jaw pain, you should see a doctor immediately:

  • The jaw pops, locks, or clicks when the mouth is opened or closed.
  • Having difficulty opening and closing the mouth
  • Tenderness and pain in the jaw
  • Weakened teeth
  • Frequent head, neck, and migraine pain
  • Pain or ringing in the ear and surrounding areas.

If you are in too much discomfort to maintain oral hygiene, TMJ can increase your risk for gum disease and cavities.

Can Invisalign Fix TMJ Issues?

An orthodontic treatment known as Invisalign can be used to straighten teeth without the use of traditional metal braces. Covering your teeth with a set of transparent, custom-made aligners, Invisalign gradually and gently shifts them into the correct position while straightening your smile. Traditional metal braces are more noticeable than these clear, removable ones. This is due to the fact that traditional braces cannot be removed.

Your dentist may find that Invisalign has the ability to alleviate your pain and enhance your oral health following a thorough evaluation.

Over time, you will stop grinding your teeth, not because of the aligners, but because Invisalign is aligning your bite so that it is healthy and in the proper position. You’ll also notice that the soreness in your face and neck is improving. Teeth grinding is one of the symptoms of TMJ disease; however, using aligners can help retrain the muscles responsible for the condition, reducing some of the symptoms.

When a person’s teeth are properly aligned, the temporomandibular joint (TMJ) can open and close without any discomfort or degradation occurring in the joint itself. When the TMJ isn’t aligned properly, it can put stress on the joint, leading to inflammation and pain in the area. Having your teeth perfectly aligned eliminates any irritation to your jaw joint caused by stress and pressure.

There are times when the discomfort and headaches that come along with TMJ are too much for a person to bear. It is possible that a straightforward treatment, like Invisalign, is all that is required to eliminate the ache and distress.

Night Guard or Invisalign?

Nighttime teeth grinding can be a frustrating and debilitating chronic illness. To prevent damage to your teeth from occurring while you sleep, your dentist could recommend that you get a night guard.

The advantages of Invisalign, on the other hand, include the possibility that you might shield your smile from the effects of sleep bruxism while also correcting orthodontic issues, including crooked teeth, gaps in teeth, and overbite. 

Read More: Is Invisalign Treatment Effective in Closing Tooth Gaps?

Because you are required to wear your Invisalign aligners for 20 to 22 hours per day, they will remain in your mouth the entire time you are asleep. The aligners will automatically build a cushion between the teeth, preventing the teeth from rubbing against each other, which can be painful and cause damage to the joints.

Patients who suffer from TMJ condition would benefit from having a better bite, which is made possible by Invisalign, which also reduces the negative side effects of teeth grinding in the process.

Consult with Kumra Orthodontics to learn more about whether Invisalign can fix TMJ

If you are looking for a TMJ solution that is comfortable and discreet, Invisalign may be the right choice for you. Certified Invisalign providers have treated thousands of patients successfully, giving them straight, comfortable smiles. To learn more about how Invisalign can fix your TMJ problems, consult with Kumra Orthodontics today. We would be happy to answer any questions you have and help you get started on your journey to a healthy smile.