Kind of Dental Braces and What’s Best For You?

Kind of Dental Braces and What's Best For You
Kind of Dental Braces and What’s Best For You? | Kumra Orthodontics: Stafford and Washington DC

Orthodontists use wire-based equipment, such as dental braces to straighten crowded or misaligned teeth and jaws. While most people who require dental braces are between the ages of 12 and 18, adults can also benefit from them. Dental braces are used to straighten teeth and correct bite problems to achieve a more appealing smile.

Due to advancements in materials and technology employed by braces clinics, modern dental braces are significantly more comfortable than before.

Types of Dental Braces

Metal Braces

Metal braces have been used worldwide for over a century and are the most common type of braces. Historically, braces were quite noticeable and bulky. It’s a good thing braces today aren’t like they used to be a century ago. Due to advances in technology and invention, braces are becoming more common. 

Metal braces are most frequently used on children and adolescents. They function by attaching braces to the teeth and linking them via a wire. The wire is secured to the braces via elastic ties, which are available in various colors. The orthodontist adjusts the wire every 4-8 weeks to shift the teeth.

The advantage of metal braces over clear, removable aligners such as Invisalign eliminates the need to remind a child to wear them. In contrast, metal braces require special care during treatment, and proper dental hygiene is essential.

Read more: How to Cut Braces Wires at Home

Ceramic Braces

Ceramic braces are transparent, tooth-colored braces. They function similarly to metal braces but are more discrete and less noticeable. Ceramic braces are most popular with people who are not candidates for Invisalign or lingual braces but still want to straighten their teeth discreetly and economically.

Ceramic braces are less apparent than metal braces and offer an economical alternative to metal braces. However, you should be aware that these braces are slightly larger than metal braces and may discolor based on your diet and brushing habits. 


Lingual braces are a lesser-known, less-frequently used alternative to conventional metal braces. Similar to traditional braces, this “invisible” orthodontic treatment is effective. However, the primary distinction is that brackets and wires are placed on the backs of the teeth.

Lingual braces are constructed using the same hardware and techniques as conventional “outside” braces. When people do not want to have visible braces but also have complex orthodontic needs, lingual braces are ideal. Further, aesthetic-conscious teens are more likely to wear braces behind their teeth.

Despite the many benefits of lingual braces, there are a few things you should know before undergoing treatment. Some patients report minor speech changes (lisps are common) and tongue irritation because lingual braces are placed behind the teeth. After braces are applied, these symptoms begin shortly afterward and subside within a few weeks as your mouth gets accustomed to your new appliances.

Gold Braces

While gold braces are less well-known than other forms of braces, they remain the ideal choice for various patients, including children, adolescents, and adults.

Gold braces are made of the same high-quality stainless steel as metal braces. Gold braces cover metal brackets and wires in pure 24-carat gold. These braces are robust, long-lasting, of superior quality, and have an attractive design.

Historically, there has been a strong preference for braces that are as discreet as possible. A dental professional may conceal braces behind your teeth with tooth-colored or clear materials. On the other hand, some people like to emphasize their braces and make them a distinctive, shining element of their appearance. Gold braces may be a good option for those of you who fit this description.

Gold braces are distinguished from traditional silver-colored braces by a single feature: the stainless-steel components are gold-plated. This results in a gold-colored appearance for both the brackets linked to your teeth and the wire attached to them.

Needing an orthodontic appointment?
Visit Kumra Orthodontics Washington, DC or Kumra Orthodontics Stafford, VA, and request an appointment with us!

What’s best for you?

Plenty of treatment options is now available for orthodontic care. However, how can you know what’s best for you?

Kumra Orthodontics will design a treatment plan specifically for you. Whatever we can do to make this process more enjoyable, we will. However, it is critical that you place your trust in us and our advice. Numerous factors contribute to your eligibility for a particular orthodontic treatment; rest assured that you are incapable of hands.

For the best braces clinic, contact Kumra Orthodontics

Customized treatment is necessary as we move forward in our approach toward treating orthodontic issues. There is no one-size-fits-all approach to address the uniqueness of the cases of each patient. 

Allow us to discuss the sort of orthodontic treatment you may require and the type of braces that would be most appropriate for you. Kumra Orthodontics carefully weighs the benefits and drawbacks of each treatment option before offering a recommendation.

Book an appointment with a reliable braces clinic today.