Can Invisalign Cause Gum Recession?

Invisalign or clear aligners are expected to cause mild gum bleeding and inflammation in the first few days of use. However, this begs the question: does Invisalign cause gum recession?

Gum tissue migration can result in increased sensitivity and bleeding in the area where it’s taking place. Bleeding can also be caused by poor home care. Furthermore, the trays’ edges may rub, scratch, and cut against certain oral surfaces. They’re a potential safety hazard.

It’s possible to cut, trim or flatten the edges of your clear aligners, as needed. However, if the bleeding and inflammation are severe and have persisted for several weeks, you may have neglected your oral hygiene. On the other hand, periodontal disease may be the culprit if it continues despite your best efforts to keep your mouth healthy.

What is gum recession? 

Receding gums expose a tooth’s sensitive root when they peel away from it. As a result, plaque, a bacterial film that sticks to surfaces, is more likely to form. This has the potential to precipitate yet another downturn. It can lead to bone and tooth loss if left untreated.

Too much brushing or bad oral hygiene can cause gum recession. However, age is another factor that can contribute to gum recession.

Unlike other forms of tissue, your gum tissue does not repair itself (like the epithelial tissue of your skin, for example). Because of this, receding gums never regrow.

Having receding gums is an extremely frequent dental issue. Gum recession is a slow process that most individuals don’t notice until it’s too late. Tooth discomfort or the appearance of a tooth that is noticeably longer than normal may be the first indications of gum recession. The gum line is usually where a notch may be felt in most cases.

You can’t afford to ignore the gum recession. Seeing a doctor about receding gums is a good idea if you notice any changes in your gums. Gum damage can be repaired and prevented with the proper procedures.

Related: What Should I Do If I Have Black Triangles After Invisalign?

Can receding gums grow back?

The straightforward answer is no. If your gums are damaged, such as by periodontitis, the most severe form of gum disease, receding gums cannot regrow. While receding gums cannot be reversed, there are treatments that can help prevent the condition from worsening.

While your gums will not regrow on their own, surgical treatment can be used to restore both your appearance and oral health. Gum grafting is a procedure that includes grafting soft tissue from another area of the mouth onto your gums.

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Can Invisalign worsen gum recession? 

In later life, periodontal disease is more widespread because of the increased risk of developing it. According to the CDC, nearly 50% of people in their 30s and 40s have some type of periodontal disease, and that number rises to nearly 70% in those over 65. On the other hand, Aligners are not directly responsible for this problem.

Although clear aligners are less prone to food debris getting caught in them, you may still believe that they require less sanitary upkeep than braces. However, this is far from reality! However, even though food debris is less likely to be caught in aligners, the aligners still provide a barrier that prevents saliva from getting in contact with your gums and teeth.

Demineralizing the teeth and providing antimicrobial protection are two essential functions of saliva. Periodontal disease risks can be increased by wearing aligners if you aren’t vigilant. Despite this, it is incorrect to claim that transparent aligners can cause gum disease directly.

The term clear aligners assist offset the effects of periodontal disease is also misleading. Not the equipment, but the wearer’s compliance and cleanliness are critical in preventing gum disease. Clear aligner treatment may be delayed if your orthodontist is concerned about the severity of your periodontal condition.

Contact Kumra Orthodontics to learn more information about whether Invisalign causes gum recession

While Invisalign may be an excellent choice for some people, it is essential to be aware of the potential risks associated with this type of orthodontic treatment. If you are considering Invisalign, make sure to talk to your orthodontist about how you can maintain healthy gums and avoid gum recession. For more information on whether Invisalign causes gum recession, get in touch with us today.