Can I cut the wire of my braces myself?
A painful sensation of being poked by the wire of your braces should be addressed quickly so that you do not experience more pain. If you have an orthodontic emergency with a protruding wire, there are a range of options for taking care of the problem at home if you are unable to visit your orthodontist right away.
When it comes to protruding wires, archwires and ligatures are the most frequently encountered culprits. Both of these might result in minor scratches or sores on the cheeks and gums. Thus, it is essential to address this condition as soon as possible.
Can you cut braces wire with scissors?
When you have braces, it is not uncommon for a wire or bracket to be broken every now and then. There’s no need to panic, but you should take steps to have your broken braces repaired as soon as possible.
In addition to causing discomfort and cuts and abrasions within the mouth, damaged braces can also make your therapy less effective if left unfixed for an extended period.
You may need to make a modest repair yourself before seeing a trusted orthodontist for a proper repair.

A Step-By-Step Guide on Cutting Braces Wires at Home from Dr. Kumra
The American Association of Orthodontists (AAO) suggests clipping a protruding archwire only as a last resort. This is due to the possibility that you could swallow a piece of the wire.
Step 1
In the goodie bag that we gave you at the beginning of your braces journey, we probably gave you a little pencil. Any simple pencil with an eraser will do. What you can do is gently get back there at an angle and try to push the wire back into place. You can also bend it in a direction that isn’t irritating the cheek.
Step 2
Another thing we can do is to utilize orthodontic wax. When it is needed, this is our best friend.
Take a little piece and warm it up between your fingers. Wherever anything is bothering you, you can place it to provide a little bit of comfort until you can get in the office.
Alternative Option
An alternative way is to get a nail clipper or a scissor. However, it would be best if you have someone to help you in this process. The goal is to clip the excess. Wherever you have comfortable access, you can clip right in front just so as to mitigate your situation until you can come into the clinic.
If it is comfortable, and convenient for you to get into the clinic, the doors of Kumra Orthodontics are always open. Just be sure to give us a call beforehand. Otherwise, if you find yourself trapped in a situation wherein at-home remedies are your only hope, follow the instructions outlined above.
Factors to Consider When Deciding to Cut Braces Wires
Access to your orthodontist.
As previously stated, you may do things to alleviate the discomfort, but it is still preferable to schedule an appointment with your orthodontist as soon as possible.
In the meanwhile, if your broken archwire is causing you problems, follow the instructions we’ve provided above.
It is more of a two-person job.
There is a chance that you may get overwhelmed with the situation. Therefore, it is best to have someone with a steady hand to assist you when you decide to cut the poking wires of your brace.
Needing an orthodontic appointment?
Visit Kumra Orthodontics Washington, DC or Kumra Orthodontics Stafford, VA, and request an appointment with us!
Tips to Remember in Cutting Braces Wires Yourself
The manual fix
When you’re eating, you can suddenly feel a wire poking you in the back of the neck. Take a peek at yourself in the mirror. It’s possible that the wire is bending out but isn’t entirely off the bracket, which would explain the problem. Using your finger, try to press the wire back into its original position.
Discard the end.
This is not recommended unless you know what you are doing or have someone who can assist you with a steady hand. The distal end of the wire cutter should hold onto the cut wire piece so that it doesn’t fall into your throat.
Bend it.
Rather than severing the wire, you could try gently bending it back into place as an alternative. This can be accomplished with a blunted toothpick, your fingers, or even the eraser head. You don’t want the wire to snap in an inconvenient location, so go slowly.
Get your tweezers out.
Whenever you eat something that causes a wire to come loose, try grasping the loose wire’s end with your fingers. You can also use a pair of thin-nosed tweezers, but be sure the tips are clean before doing so.
It may be helpful to use a magnifying mirror to gently guide the wire into the bracket slot if possible. It is possible to wrap the lace around and tuck it under the archwire or around the bracket if the lace is broken.
Apply some wax.
Every time you visit your orthodontist, they are likely to offer you a new package of wax. You can ease the pain by putting a small ball of that wax on the end of the wire that pokes you without causing any damage to your braces. What if you don’t have any wax on hand? In a pinch, a cotton ball or a piece of gauze will suffice.
Take care of your cuts and sores.
Those dangling wires can sometimes produce a nasty sore or cut on the inside of your cheeks. Swishing a solution of warm water and salt in your mouth for a minute at a time, up to six times per day, will expedite the healing process.
Call the orthodontist.
Even if the broken wire isn’t causing you any discomfort, you should schedule an appointment with the orthodontist to have it repaired. A broken or protruding wire indicates that something is not operating properly, and as a result, your teeth may shift in a way that could cause your treatment schedule to be altered.
For immediate treatment in the event of discomfort from a wire poking you, contact your orthodontic service provider after-hours or weekend services. If you are not experiencing any discomfort during regular business hours but a wire is still loose, contact for the next available appointment.
Here at Kumra Orthodontics, we ensure that patients receive the best customer service by providing them with tips and tricks on managing pokey wires.
Frequently Asked Questions About Cutting Braces Wires at Home
How to get rid of cuts or pain from a poking braces wire?
Listed below are some suggestions for how to get rid of the sore cheek or mend cuts caused by protruding braces.
Rinse your mouth with a mouthwash solution.
Invest in mouthwash and swish it in your mouth after you have cut or sore caused by a sticking wire.
Rinse your mouth with salt with lukewarm water to remove the salt taste.
If you don’t have access to mouthwash, you can make one with a cup of lukewarm water and a teaspoon of salt. Rinse your mouth with it for 60 seconds. To heal cuts or discomfort, repeat the procedure four to five times a day.
Stay away from meals that are hard, crunchy, or hot.
The wire becomes more pokey or loose when you bite down on a hard and crunchy item. Additionally, it comes into contact with the cut area of the cheek, causing pain. Spicy foods are also harmful to the area. As a result, stay away from these meals.
Stay away from acidic meals and beverages.
Burning sensations occur around cuts when you consume foods and beverages that contain acid. It would be best to avoid drinks such as fruit juice, soda, soft drinks, strong drinks, and sports drinks.
Drink plenty of cool water or ice cream.
It’s easily remedied by drinking cold water or eating ice cream when you feel sore or uncomfortable. Sucking on an ice cube is also possible without touching it with your teeth.
Apply an anesthetic gel to the mouth.
An oral anesthetic gel should be applied to the cut area if you are experiencing excessive discomfort. However, you must first obtain authorization from your orthodontist before using it.

Why do orthodontic breakages occur?
Eating hard, crunchy, or sticky foods is the primary cause of brace damage. Remember to contemplate before eating to avoid orthodontic breakage. Cutting meals into more manageable portions or substituting foods that were not intended for braces can save a significant amount of time over time. An unplanned appointment with the orthodontist to repair broken braces may necessitate parents taking time off work and children missing time from school.
Food might become trapped between teeth and braces from time to time. You may need to ask your orthodontist or your usual dentist to clean between your teeth if you cannot dislodge the plaque by brushing or using a piece of floss on your own.
Using a toothpick could result in the wire being bent or a bracket being knocked off the tooth. Teeth can migrate into the proper position as advised by the braces if they are brushed regularly. When food becomes stuck between teeth on a regular basis, it can make it difficult to move.
Another factor that might cause damage to braces is a blow to the mouth while participating in sports. When participating in contact sports, always wear a mouthguard. If your teeth have migrated and your mouthguard is no longer fitting properly, consult with your Orthodontist about getting a new or replacement mouthguard. Rough play can also result in the destruction of braces or harm to the mouth.
Learn more about how to cut braces wire at home by visiting Kumra Orthodontics.
It is best to consult with a local orthodontist as soon as you identify a problem and ask for their recommendations for any questions. Braces that are broken, loose wire braces, or a floating bracket can cause teeth to revert to their original position much more quickly than you might expect.