Can You Drink Soda and More with Invisalign?

Traditionally, braces are made up of metal and fastened to the teeth on the outside. At the same time, there is also another orthodontic treatment called Invisalign. And with Invisalign, you don’t have to deal with the awkwardness of strangers commenting on your new braces. As your smile improves, you will no longer have to worry about how you seem in images.

However, there are certain drink restrictions on what you can eat and drink when using Invisalign. 

What is Invisalign?

Treatment with Invisalign uses a series of clear, plastic aligners to straighten the teeth gradually.

Flexible plastic material is used in the clear aligners, and it was created exclusively for Invisalign. BPA-free material is used in the transparent area of the trays. Because of the material’s transparency, it’s difficult to determine whether or not you’re wearing them. Invisalign is a popular choice for adults and teenagers because it is more discreet than traditional braces.

Related: What is the Best Age to Get Invisalign?

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Worst Drinks with Invisalign

Tea or coffee

If you’re using Invisalign, you shouldn’t drink hot beverages like coffee or tea. You may need to acquire a new pair of aligners if the heat warps the plastic. Avoid drinking a hot beverage! However, if you are really a coffee or tea lover, drink coffee or tea while wearing Invisalign after the beverage has cooled down before you do so. Adding sugar to coffee or tea can cause tooth decay and discoloration of Invisalign aligners if used in large quantities. Use a straw if you plan on drinking a lot of coffee.

Alcoholic beverages

If you’re going to be drinking anything while using Invisalign, make sure it’s not red wine or black beer. These acidic drinks will stain your teeth and can cause tooth decay if the brand-new smile has any sweetness in them – sweet cocktails might seem like a good idea at first, but they’ll ruin all that work!

Make sure when you can’t take out your Invisalign, and you want an alcoholic drink in your system, use a straw, only consume clear beverages (such as gin or vodka), drink plenty of water, and always bring a toothbrush with you!

Moreover, it would be best to remove your Invisalign before indulging in adult beverages!


Drinking soda with Invisalign worsens the problem. The sugar and acid will be trapped if you have the Invisalign on, hasten the decay process. This is why it is not advisable to drink soda. It would be best to take your aligners out or drink with a straw.

Sugary drinks

You should avoid drinking sugary or acidic beverages while wearing Invisalign or placing them back in your mouth afterward without washing your teeth with water. Sugar or acid might be trapped for a longer period of time in the aligners, which could cause additional harm to your teeth. You won’t be able to wash it away with your saliva, as it typically would. You can drink alcohol or soda with Invisalign, but only if you remove your aligners and thoroughly cleanse your mouth afterward.

Energy drinks

Tooth enamel can be damaged by both conventional and sugar-free variants of popular energy drinks.

Best Drinks with Invisalign


You can drink cold or room-temperature water. Also, drinking water would help you if you have a dry mouth. Make sure to consume lots of water! However, you should only drink plain water as even a bit of lemon juice added to your water can damage your teeth.

Water helps keep the saliva flowing correctly, and it also washes away plaque and food particles.

 Unsweetened tea

Green tea, in particular, is a fantastic option for those with Invisalign because it is naturally sweet; however, make sure to remove your aligners first. If you’re concerned about discoloring your teeth, black tea and green tea contain polyphenols that fight against bad bacteria in the mouth.

100% fruit juice (no sugar added)

Drinking fruit juices without sugar added is fine, even if you have Invisalign. Vitamins in the juice can strengthen your gums and the soft tissues in your mouth and reduce inflammation if you aren’t consuming enough whole fruit. Make sure to swish your mouth with water afterward.


Low-fat milk is a beautiful choice for people with Invisalign since it provides a decent source of calcium for the teeth. Adding calcium to your diet can help strengthen your teeth and bones. The vitamin D and phosphates in milk help maintain strong teeth, gums, and bones, and they’re just as important for good oral health as calcium. Because milk lowers acid levels in plaque, you may wish to drink it after consuming sugary or starchy foods in order to prevent tooth decay.

Contact Kumra Orthodontics to Know More Tips When You Wear Invisalign

If you have more questions or are interested in knowing more tips about Invisalign, contact the best Washington Invisalign orthodontist. We will be glad to assist you!